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A person can acquire Kenya citizenship through the following options.
By birth
Being born to parent(s) who are Kenyan citizens. One or both parents must be Kenyan citizens.
By descent.
A person born outside Kenya and at the time of birth, either one or both parents were Kenyan citizens by birth.
By presumptions for foundling
A child who is or appears to be less than eight(8) years of age, his parents and nationality is unknown may acquire citizenship subject to the applicable procedures prescribed in the law.
By marriage.
Spouses of Kenyan citizens who have been married for at least seven(7) years may apply to become Kenya citizens
Regaining citizenship
Persons who were Kenya citizens by birth but lost it due to acquiring citizenship of another country may apply to regain it.
Widows and widowers
A foreign national who has been married to a citizen who but for the death of the citizen would have been entitled, after a period of seven years, to be registered as a Kenyan citizen
By lawful residence
Adult person who has been lawfully resident in Kenya for a continuous period of at least seven(7) years may apply for registration as Kenyan citizen subject to meeting the requirements prescribed in the law.
By adoption
The Kenyan citizen or legal guardian who adopts a child/children may apply to register the adopted children as Kenya citizens as prescribed in the law.
Stateless persons.
A person who does not have an enforceable claim to the citizenship of any recognized state and has been living in Kenya for a continuous period since 12th December 1963, shall be deemed to have been lawfully resident and may, on application be registered as a Kenyan citizen upon:
A person who voluntarily migrated into Kenya before the 12th December 1963, and has been continuously living in Kenya shall be deemed to have been lawfully resident and may, on application in a prescribed manner, be eligible to be registered as a citizen of Kenya
Descendants of stateless persons and migrants.
A person who has attained the age of eighteen(18) years and whose parents are or in the case of deceased
parents were eligible to be registered as a citizen under sections 15 and 16 may, upon application in the prescribed manner be registered as a citizen of Kenya

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